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MS PowerPoint 2016: Themes

A theme can be defined as a combination or arrangement of various effects for the text and slides that we can use while working in MS PowerPoint.

Just like the previous versions, MS PowerPoint 2016 provides the users the feature of applying themes while creating their presentations.


MS PowerPoint 2016 provides you with many themes for various categories of presentations and these will help you in making your presentation concise, clear and professional. This also will help you organize your content beautifully.

1. Go to the Design tab in the MS PowerPoint 2016 Ribbon and you will find the group Themes. This contains different images for different themes. You can see the default theme applied to the presentation under the heading This Presentation.

You can find more themes by scrolling down and also click on More arrow of the drop down menu.


2. There is an option to browse for Themes and this enables you to search for themes online. You can save the theme using the option Save Current Theme.


3. Once you select the theme, variants in different colors are also available for the users to pick and choose from.


4. Once the theme and variant are selected, the theme is applied to the whole presentation. You can alter the theme by selecting other options from the Design Tab.


5. Themes allow you with a predefined design for your presentation along with the special mix of elements like font styles, sizes, color palette etc. The theme will also include the predefined slide layouts for your presentation.


This will help you in saving time and effort on formatting the presentation.