While creating your posts, we often want to categorize our posts under different categories. WordPress provides you with an option to group your posts into different categories.

For the option of categories, you can find an option Categories on the post editor page.


Add a New Category

If you want to create a new category, click on the link Add new category. Add a new category and select Add new category. A new category will be added to the existing list of categories.



If you want to assign a category to any post, select the checkbox next to the category.


You can also manage your categories by going to your WordPress dashboard navigation menu and clicking on the link Categories under the option Posts. You will get a Categories page. Here you can find all your existing categories on the right and you will see where to add the new categories.


Category Slug

There is a URL-friendly version of the category- Category Slug. It uses all the lowercase and only letters, hyphens and numbers are allowed.


Category Hierarchies

You can nest your categories into hierarchies. For instance, you can add Music as a general category and under that you can have Pop and Rock for different types of posts related to music.

