How to Use the New Tilt-Shift Blur in Photoshop CS6

The third new Photoshop CS6 blur is the Tilt-Shift. With that…

How to Use the New Iris Blur Inside Photoshop CS6

One of three new blurs in Photoshop CS6 is the Iris blur. It…

New Feature - How to Use Field Blur in Photoshop CS6

Photoshop CS6 came out with couple of new blur effects, one of…

How to Use the Content-Aware Extend Tool in Photoshop CS6

Photoshop CS6 has many content-aware tools that have proved to…

How to Mix Different Oil Painting Filters on One Picture in Photoshop CS6

As we know, one of the new features in Photoshop CS6 is the Oil…

How to Use the New Oil Paint Filter in Photoshop CS6

Photoshop CS6 came with many new features, one of them being…

How to Use the New Content-Aware Move Tool in Photoshop CS6

One of Photoshop CS6 new features is the content-aware move tool.…

Photoshop CS6 - Changes in the User Interface

Photoshop Cs6 does not come only with one interface change as…

The New Dark Interface in Photoshop CS6 - How to Change or Customize It

First thing everyone will notice about Photoshop CS6 is the new…